Musing Mondays

I realized I’m now writing more about books than knitting or spinning and I need / want to keep my blog a bit more balanced but this week’s Musing Mondays is about favourite children’s books! I love children’s books and I have fond memories of the ones I read when I was small!

This week’s musing asks…

Do you have a favorite children’s book? Either one that you loved as a child, or one that you discovered later, and still enjoy? Tell us about it!



I had to think about this a bit (couldn’t decide!) but in the end I have to say that the first book I can remember reading is

“Die kleine Hexe” (The little witch) by Otfried Preussler

It’s a story about a witch who wants to fit in with her fellow witches and decides to be an especially good witch for a year. As it turns out, her coven has a very different view on what it means to be a good witch…

With children’s books I have a quirk about editions and covers – I love reading the same editions I read as a child and I’ve searched high and low for the right ones to replace books I lost. Sadly, my old 1958 edition (see picture above) became a victim of moves but I found another one on abebooks some days ago. Can’t wait to read it again!

Another case where I had to replace a much-loved copy is “Ronja Räubertochter” (Ronja, the Robber’s daughter) by Astrid Lindgren. My cousin gave me a bright green edition illustrated with beautiful ink drawings which was published by Büchergilde Gutenberg ( a book club with special editions for club members). I lent it to a friend and never got it back. Some years ago I managed to find another copy online about which I’m very glad since it isn’t available anymore.

Remembering those two books takes me directly back to a time when I would curl up to read for hours and try to organize my books with sticky tags to give my shelves a public library look 🙂